an event

Nettoyage événementCleaning before, during and after events, fairs, shows or gatherings requires very specific competences which require time and energy.

Whether you’re using a room and its equipment for a private event, or you’re in charge of an event organised by a company, owner of seminar or meetings rooms, organiser of events or manager of a performance hall, recreation room, festival hall etc., we’ll bring you the necessary assistance so that you can fully concentrate on your event.

Avant, pendant et après événementWe take care of

  • The cleaning of the premises beforehand so you can set up in peace.
  • Provision of personnel for maintenance and cleaning during your event (sanitary facilities, kitchens, rooms, etc.)
  • Monitoring and provision of sanitary facility supplies
  • Reconditioning of the premises after the event, with removal of bulky and ordinary waste

Want to know more or have questions? Don’t hesitate to fill out the online form to request a free quote. You can also contact us suing our free number (from a landline) 0800/40.615 or at 02/410.55.58.

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