Cleaning before and after

Nettoyage avant/après déménagements

You're moving soon and need to clean your residence before the inventory? You’re moving to a new residence and you don’t want to clean your previous one? You’re packing your moving boxes and don’t have time to clean? We’re here to help and facilitate the task!

BSC Cleaning cleans your residence after moving, your apartment between two tenants, or your new premises before moving in
We can also remove your bulky and other waste, which has a habit of accumulating quite quickly during moving (by weight or container).

Our services are performed by hand or using powerful equipment, using environmentally-friendly products.

Want to know more or have questions? Don’t hesitate to fill out the online form to request a free quote. You can also contact us using our  freephone number 0800/40.615 (from a landline) or at 02/410.55.58.

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