Specific occasional cleaning
and reconditioning

Whether you are a professional or a private individual, our cleaning agents perform deep cleans (big cleans) or specific interventions for many one-off occasions, whether planned or unexpected. Your premises, professional buildings, residences, equipment of surfaces are reconditioned and returned to normal working order.
With its long experience, the professional cleaning company BSC Cleaning knows how to react rapidly (if required) and efficiently in this kind of situation.

Below you can explore our most requested types of intervention: cleaning after works, moving, loss or events, graffiti removal, and the maintenance and disinfection of IT equipment.


Cleaning upon completion of works

It is necessary to constantly clear up and maintain all your surfaces during and after works or a professional or at a private construction worksite. BSC is your preferred partner for all the related tasks concerning this type of service.
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Cleaning upon moving out or before moving in

You’re a tenant and you’d like to perform a deep clean before the final inventory? You’re moving in and you want a perfectly clean environment before setting up your furniture and unpacking your boxes? You’re an owner and you’d like to recondition your property for rental purposes? You’re a company which is moving its offices? BSC Cleaning has efficient solutions for all these cases
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Cleaning after loss

You’ve suffered a water leakage or a fire? Cleansing and reconditioning your premises or your residence requires specific competences and tailored equipment. Benefit from our efficient intervention to recover the use of your premises as soon as possible!
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Cleaning for events

Are you going to organise a professional or private event? A concert, a party or a marriage? BSC Cleaning can provide you with professional, qualified personnel, with specific cleaning expertise to clean the premises before, during or after an event.
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Cleaning of graffiti

Have vandals put graffiti on the façade of your house, the storefront of your business or your garage door? We have solutions and various techniques for getting rid of it, whatever type of surface has been affected. We can also offer you protective treatment for the future.
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Cleaning of computers and it equipment

Computer keyboards, telephones and fax machines are a nest of bacteria. The PC tower and the interior of the keyboard are full of dust and every type of soiling, which can damage the IT equipment. Screens which are sensitive to chemical products must be maintained with care. Leave it to a professional, who will disinfect and take care of your entire IT fleet.
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