
Since its creation, Bsc Cleaning has continued to develop by improving its working methods, training its staff in the latest techniques, using state-of-the-art equipment and respecting the environment.

Our certifications testify to this commitment:

ISO 9001


ISO 9001 :BSC Cleaning has established and maintains a management system according to the Standard.

ISO 14001


ISO 14001: BSC Cleaning has established and maintains a management system according to the Standard.



VCA : BSC Cleaning meets the requirements of the HSE management standard for contracting companies : VCA* 2017/6.0 Code NACE : 81.220
All of our employees are VCA graduates and are informed on the challenges and methods concerning prevention of professional risks.

Ecolabel – Greenspeed


Ecolabel : Through our specialised and international partners, we possess a catalogue of hundreds of environmentally-friendly products, awarded the European “Ecolabel”

Ecolabel – Chrisal


Ecolabel : Through our specialised and international partners, we possess a catalogue of hundreds of environmentally-friendly products, awarded the European “Ecolabel”

Ecolabel - Probio


Greenspeed B.V. has successfully obtained the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold certificate for the products : Synbio & Probio range

Waste handling


Since 5/10/2022, Bsc Cleaning has been recognised by the Brussels Region as a collector, trader and broker of non-hazardous waste.



BSC Cleaning is a member of the UGBN (Union Générale Belge du Nettoyage)

Clean places make happy faces

absu urbn ECO
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