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A cleaning company with tailored services BSC Cleaning

cleaning company in BrusselsServing companies of every size and also private individuals, our company offers a complete range of cleaning and maintenance services, along with multiple additional facility services and renovation works.

Founded in 1995, BSC Cleaning is a family company based in Brussels, and is also active in Walloon Brabant and Belgium. Enjoying regular, healthy growth, it has more than 190 competent, motivated cleaning agents, and more than 25 employees specialising in works.

We propose a global range of professional services, adapted to your requirements:

  • We can perform and combine almost any kind of service, whatever the specificities of your premises, building, equipment, and domain of activity
  • Our experts and mobile salespeople analyse your needs to provide you with a tailored offer offering the best value for money.
  • We are available at all hours (24/7) and some of our workers are always available to comply with your timetable.


Our partners

Our benefits






Communication and responsiveness


A company with values

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